Why is it important to use gluten free cosmetics?
Let's take a minute to talk about the types of beauty products women are using on a daily bases. And more importantly, how safe are these products? Then let's look at why gluten free cosmetics may be important for you.
You may say that the FDA has strict guidelines as to what ingredients are allowed to be used in cosmetics. However, even if this was true, this still would not mean that these items are 100% safe. But, by US law, the FDA does not have the authority to approve cosmetic products or ingredients, except for color additives. It is true that there are a few ingredients that the FDA does prohibited or that they restrict the use of within cosmetics. These include: Hexachlorophene (preservative), mercury compounds (preservative), chlorofluorocarbon (propellant), zirconium-containing complexes, halogenated salicylanilides (di-, tri-, metabromsalan and tetrachloro-salicylanilide), bithionol, chloroform, vinyl chloride, and methylene chloride. (Please note that I do not know if this has been updated since my recording of this information).
There are established regulations but they identify cosmetic ingredients as either safe, unsafe, or also undecided (when further information may be required in order to establish safety). There are a lot of websites out there that publish lists of ingredients they deem to be "unsafe." So, how are we suppose to know what is safe and what is not?
If your into validated scientific evidence that will talk to you about the safety of both natural and chemical cosmetic ingredients, you can go to places like CIR (cosmetic ingredient review), FDA, IFRA (internal fragrance association), or The American College of Toxicology. But, all of this is a little much for me. It starts to get confusing and overwhelming.
I am no expert in this area, though I have researched the topic like many of us have. Like I said, there are many sites that list ingredients as being "unsafe." What do we do about this? I guess I would say that it is important to take the source into consideration. I can say that I know that even though some ingredients are not controlled by regulations there are legitimate companies out there that have recommended the elimination of or the limiting of certain ingredients. For example, we know that the IFRA and the CIR have expert panels. It has been stated before that they have found some ingredients to be unsafe. A few of these included: Chloroacetamide (preservative), ethoxyethanol and ethoxyethanol acetate (solvent), p-hydroxy-anisole (antioxidant), pyrocatechol (used in hair dyes and skin care preparations), acetylethyl-tetramethyl-tetralin (AETT), musk ambrette, and 6-Methylcoumarin (6-MC). However, I do not know if these are still considered to be unsafe or if they have added to this list. As I said, it gets to be overwhelming trying to keep up with all of this.I came across a PDF file during an article I was reading. This is still overwhelming and a lot to take in but it is helpful. You can check it out at the following link: http://www.makingcosmetics.com/articles/cosmetic-ingredient-safety-assessments.pdf
Some new information, I recently came across, told about more commonly listed ingredients that are ok if they stay below a certain level. Again this was from an article and I don't remember where because I just write stuff in a notebook when I find something I feel is important to remember. I think it is worth mentioning and then you can decide if it is worth looking into more. So, for example on a less serious note, Alcohol is frequently used as a solvent in cosmetics. It was stated that if it is used at concentrations of 10% or more, the skin can dry out. I think most of us can contest that this is a true statement. Another simple and common sense one was that Sodium chloride or table salt is frequently used as a cheap but effective thickener in cleansing products, such as shampoos or shower gels. If this is used at too high of a concentration it can cause eye and skin irritation. Now lets look at one that is not as common sense. Like Bentonite. This is porous clay that is able to absorb water and this makes it commonly used in cosmetic like foundations and facial masks. At high concentrations, Bentonite may scratch the skin surface, clog pores, and drying out the skin. Let's do one more, Mineral Oil, it is often used a a lubricating agent in products. Mineral oil is not able to penetrate the skin well. This means that it will form an oily film over your skin. It will lock in moisture but it also locks in dirt. Overall it can hinder the normal respiration of your skin. Though I have found countless information of this sort, I will leave you to find and determine what you feel is accurate. I just wanted to give you an idea of what is out there.
So, what about GLUTEN you say. Gluten is actually very common in cosmetics. Gluten is used as a binding agent in many cosmetics. Wheat also acts as a source of vitamin E. And, oats are used for refinement and nourishment in make-ups. Where these are not ingredients I have found on any of the above lists/information as being harmful. It can indeed be harmful to your body if you have Celiacs or a gluten intolerance. In addition to this, I have not read anything that tells me that gluten does a body any good. In other words, I haven't been able to find anything that states benefits of having gluten or wheat based food in your diet or cosmetics. It seems that your body does not require gluten for any purpose. If you have Celiacs, gluten can however cause a variety of very upsetting side effects.
The problem with gluten is that it can hide in complicated named ingredients. It can be found in "natural" products. And, it has been accepted as a normal ingredient for every type of cosmetic, skincare, or a long list of other products. If you have Celiacs you've learned all to well that GLUTEN IS EVERYWHERE!
It has been widely debated and pretty much stated that gluten cannot penetrate the skin (as far as the scientists know). But, lets remember that the skin is our largest organ. Regardless of your feelings about this topic you should be aware of the products that are around your mouth and hands (because you touch your face/mouth more than you think). Items like lipstick, toothpaste, soap, cream, nail polish, lip liner, foundations, and sun lotions (to name a few). Why...it will go into your body.
I could talk about gluten in topical product for some time. But, it is so widely debatable you either believe it or not. So, lets just move on. (If you would like to know more about this you could stop by and read this article posted on the Gluten Free Make-up girls page, it sums up my feelings pretty well: http://www.glutenfreemakeupgal.com/celiac-disease/why-gluten-free-cosmetics-are-a-must)
So where has this all lead us? Well back to the beginning, I guess. Gluten and the safety of our makeup will always be a tough call. So, why not just error on the safe side and look for gluten free products, with natural ingredients you know?
If you feel like giving Gluten Free, Natural, and even Vegan products a try....stop by
Remember I am just an everyday person like you. I am a special education teacher, mother, and small business owner. I am not a professional on this matter and I do not have sites to go with my information. I am just blogging about things I have found over the years and looking for discussion on the matter.
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