Monday, May 30, 2011

Going to a Memorial Day picnic?

If you are going to a Memorial day picnic, make sure you bring some gluten free goodies with you.   Bring fresh veggies, fruit, or gluten free chips along.  What will you crave most?  Make sure you bring a gluten free substitute along.  Make some yummy gluten free brownies. Or, bring a gluten free bun along.

Remember to thank people for their service to our country.  Their bravery is beyond words but, a simple "Thank you" will mean a lot to them.

Have a safe, happy, and gluten free Memorial Day!

A Gluten Free Memorial Day!

Remember that grills can cross contaminate food.  Make sure that the grill has been cleaned and that your food isn't being placed where a food that had gluten in it was.  Breaded or coated meats that are on the grill can contaminated your food.  Buns placed on the grill can also do the same.  Memorial day picnics often include many dishes that contain multiple ingredients.  People who do not have a gluten intolerance will tell you that their dish is safe. Error on the safe side and stick with the basics.  You never know what people put in their "homemade" specialty dishes.

Above all, remember what today is really about:  Say a prayer for all current and past military personnel.  And, make sure you find at least one to give a hug to and thank.  Also, thank a police or fireman today.  They do dangerous jobs right here too.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Gluten Free and Vegan Lip Balm

The big buzz at No Gluten Natural Girl Products, LLC is that the number one seller is their lip balm.  Crazy good reviews always coming in.  Get your NG lip balm and kiss the gluten away!
Check them out at

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Gluten Free Sun Lotion

People seem to be divided on weather or not gluten free sun lotion is necessary.  I happen to know a lot of people with gluten intolerance who DO react to gluten on the outside of their bodies.
But, what I think is this:
We are putting sun lotion on our bodies to keep our skin safe from the sun.  So why not make sure that what we put ON our skin is natural and safe too?  Gluten free sun lotion is safe!  If you are looking for a safe and natural sun lotion, that is gluten free too, visit to find a great product.  They also have a wonderful bug spray too.   Check it out....summer is just around the corner!