Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Does your child need to wear make-up?

Do you have a child who participates in activities that require them to wear make-up?  This can be difficult for a parent to deal with.  We want our children to remain looking natural and stay looking their age.  Yet, they still are required to wear make-up.  If your child is an actress/actor, dancer, cheerleader, or model they may be required to wear make-up. Well, you can give them a light and natural look with make-up that is gluten free, vegan, natural, and safe.  Check it out these pictures of my daughter doing activities that require her to wear make-up.  She is wearing gluten free and natural make-up from our site,  www.NoGlutenNaturalGirlProducts.com:





Just to feel special,
Both of us are wearing the make-up for a special event!

So, if your child is involved in activities that require them to wear make-up, let them smile away and feel special with our gluten free, natural, and safe make-up products.

Gluten Free Lips

Find great gluten free lip products at: www.all-gluten-free.com

Right now you can get a great deal on the sales page and test out all the lip product available.
lipstick that is supper soft

What do you think about gluten free lip products?  Do you use them?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What do you think about this gluten free snack?

Our company, No Gluten Natural Girl Products, is thinking of adding a new item to our site.
Before we make our final decision, we want to know what you think about this item.

The name of the product is: YogaVive apple chips

What is this product:  It is a healthy snack that is made from highest quality USDA certified organic fruit. They are organic popped fuji apple chips. This snack is naturally sweet and it contains the nutrients of fresh fruit in a convenient snack.

Flavors available: Original, Strawberry, Cinnamon, Carmel, Peach, Garlic, and Ginger.

Sizes: small bags = 1 apple and large bags = 5 apples

What certifications does this product have:  This product is USDA certified, EcoCert certified, Kosher certified, Halal certified, gluten free, and certified vegan.  And, this snack has no added sugar!

Trial results:  No Gluten Natural Girl Products has put this item through there product review program and given free samples out to some of our customers.  What we have found is that younger children love this snack.  Ages 2-6 seem most interested in it.  Adults trials were split down the middle, some enjoying it and others saying they wouldn't eat it for a snack.  Children seem to enjoy all flavors and adult seem not to not notice large differences in the flavors. Adults do seem impressed with how healthy it is and are pleased that children seem to enjoy this snack.

If you would like to learn more about this product you can visit the following web page:

Please take a moment to comment on this new product.  If you have tried YogaVive apple chips before we would love to hear what you think of this product.  We would also love to hear, yes or no, would you be interested in us providing this snack as an option on our website.

Thanks for your time and happy snacking!!!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Gluten Free Travel

Summer vacations can become less relaxing when you have to worry about gluten sensitivities.  Vacations almost always equal eating out!  As we all know, eating out is not easy when you have to stay gluten free.  It is hard enough to find a place to go eat when you are familiar with the restaurants in your area. But, what do you do when you are NOT familiar with the area.   What do you do when you are surrounded with food courts and stands? In the summer, evan a simple day trip to the ball park, an amusement park, or fair can become stressful.

Here are some places that provide gluten free food items:
Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells
Sea World

A routine you need to get in is to call ahead.  Try to call ahead anywhere you are able to and tell them about your allergy.  Ask them what they have available.  Ask questions to help you prevent eating foods that may have been cross contaminated.  Also, if you are able, get use to packing a cooler with your favorite gluten free foods.  If all else fails you can take a break from your activities and have a fast picnic.

I would love to hear some great safe - gluten free summer trips that you have taken!
Happy Summer and don't forget to pack your gluten free sun screen, hair care, and mouth care items (visit www.all-gluten-free.com to find some great gluten free items to take on your next trip).

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Gluten free life!

Have you seen or heard the term gluten free?

A few years ago, most people didn't know much about gluten.  But, It seems as if it is becoming a much more popular topic now.

You can't go to a store without seeing something gluten free.  This is great news for people who have been living with a gluten free lifestyle for some time now, or is it?

True, it use to be a much bigger struggle to find gluten free products.  With its recent popularity, the variety of items have increased.  This at first seemed wonderful!  But, then it just made life more difficult.
With everyone wanting to get on the band wagon of "gluten free"  things become blurred.  Now if you live in a gluten free world you can find "gluten free" products everywhere.  But, are they truly gluten free!?

If you live in a gluten free world,  you now have to worry about cross contamination, hidden forms of gluten, undisclosed ingredients due to "secret formulas",  and much much more!

How do we survive?  Networking with each other!
Let's all share some great gluten free advice, links, and products!

My gluten free advice:  Always read the labels and do some research!!!!!!!!!  Better to take the time to make sure it is truly gluten free then to get sick and suffer!    

My gluten free product:  No Gluten Natural Girl Product, lipsticks and lipliners!!!!!!

My gluten free link:  www.all-gluten-free.com

Monday, July 11, 2011

Gluten Free Summer!

It's not to late to get some great summer sales!
Check out this sales page:


There is a wonderful lip package that includes five items for $38.00!!!!
What  a bargain, some lipstick alone cost that!

Don't miss this great chance to try NG products (No Gluten Natural Girl Products).
And, check it out....vegan free products also!

Have a great summer.....kiss the gluten away!